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ERL Newsletter - No 4 - 2020-Autumn


ERL Newsletter - No 3 - 2020-Summer


ERL Newsletter - No 2 - 2020-Spring


ERL Newsletter - No 1 - 2020-Winter


Below you will find the most important news concerning all the ongoing activity within the ERL Network. You can also follow the latest ERL DEVELOPMENTS and assist us if you wish and can. As you can see by clicking on the link, lots of things happen within the network online.

You are most welcome to attend our annual ERL CONFERENCES, organised around 4 key areas and meant to generate further international cooperation. Attended by participants from 5 continents, the events in question have already yielded concrete projects and publications.

2019/06/17-18: 4th International Pedagogical and Linguistic Conference ‘EDUCATIONAL ROLE OF LANGUAGE. FROM PRACTICE TO THEORY, FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE' ’, University of Craiova, Romania

2018/06/14-15: 3rd International Pedagogical and Linguistic Conference ‘EDUCATIONAL ROLE OF LANGUAGE. HOW DO WE UNDERSTAND IT?’, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania

2017/06/12-13: 2nd International Pedagogical and Linguistic Conference ‘EDUCATIONAL ROLE OF LANGUAGE. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL DETERMINANTS’, University of Gdansk, Poland

2016/06/09-10: 1st International Pedagogical and Linguistic Conference ‘EDUCATIONAL ROLE OF LANGUAGE. LEARN TO SPEAK, SPEAK TO LEARN’, University of Gdansk, Poland

ERL-Newsletter-2020-1-Winter-n.pdf121.08 KB
ERL-Newsletter-2020-2-Spring-n.pdf496.62 KB
ERL-Newsletter-2020-3-Summer.pdf115.66 KB
ERL-Newsletter-2020-4-Autumn.pdf117.78 KB